Jouer contre des expositions by Ágora Colectivo, directed by Pablo Giori, during Experimental 2023, Center Cívic Pati Llimona, Barcelona, from June 29 to July 28, 2023.
Migrant la Mirada from the #FilmSwapWorldWide project in Escola d'Art - Center Cultural La Llacuna in Andorra la Vella, from April 19 to May 6, 2021.
Experimental photography? 36 artists and a MANIFEST during the EXP. 20 International Festival on Experimental Photography at the Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya and at the Pati Llimona Civic Center, Barcelona, January 17-19. www.experimentalphotofestival.com
Unexpected Inhabitants of the #FilmSwapWorldWide project at Pony Bar in Hamburg, from October 10 and November 30.
Migrating the Gazes of the #FilmSwapWorldWide project at Centro Cultural Virla from Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina), from September 12th to 30th. Guided tours and workshops on double exposure.
Migrate the Senses. Double Exposure in Music and Photography created with Simon Maisano and David Font at La Fada Ignorant in Andorra la Vella, June 22 to July 21.
Habitants i paisatges del Barri Gòtic of BADEM
during the Revela't festival in Wonder Photo Shop de Fujifilm, Barcelona, from June 7 to July 7.
Kraków-Barcelona. Lustrzane miasta [Krakow-Barcelona. Mirror Cities] with Ulana Krystaszek in Pasaż, Krakow (Poland), from May 11 to June 29.
Unexpected inhabitants of the #FilmSwapWorldWide project a Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya (Barcelona), from 7 May to 2 June. Guided tours and workshops on double exposure.
Migrating the Gazes of the #FilmSwapWorldWide project at the FestImatge, Festival of the imatge of Callela, from April 6th to 28th.
Migrer le Regard. Echange d'images entre Barcelone et le monde of the project #FilmSwapWorldWide in Maison de l'Île de France of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, from March 8th to 24th.
Collective Le Monde Analogue International Film Photography Exhibition in ART Stalker in Berlin, March 6 .
Habitants i paisatges del Barri Gòtic of BADEM. Barcelona Double Exposure Movement to the Civic Center Pati Llimona, Barcelona, from January 31 to March 2. Guided tours and workshops on double exposure.
Retrospective Pere Català i Pic [retrospective]. Photography, patrimoni i avantguarda to Cal Balaguer del Porxo in Súria, from September 8 to November 4.
Retrospective Pere Català i Pic [retrospective]. Photography, patrimoni i avantguarda in Museu de la Torneria de Torelló, from March 23 to April 29.
Retrospective Pere Català i Pic [retrospective]. Photography, patrimoni i avantguarda in Museu de Granollers, from January 18 to March 18. Guided tours about his life, work and photomontage technique.
Retrospective Pere Català i Pic. Photograph, patrimoni i avantguarda to the Reial Monestir from Santes Creus in Aiguamúrcia, from September 24 to December 31. Inaugural conference: The Català and Santes Creus. A relationship of all life.
Retrospective The photograph of Pere Català i Pic in Center d'Art Contemporani Can Sisteré in Santa Coloma Gramenet, from June 22 to July 23.
Retrospective Pere Català i Pic [modernity and technology] in National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (mNACTEC) in Terrassa, from October 4 to October 1. Inaugural lecture: Image, modernity and technique in the work of Pere Català i Pic. Guided tours about his life, work and photomontage technique.
Retrospective Photography, publicity, avant-guard and literature to the work of Pere Català i Pic in FestImatge, Festival of the image of Calella, from 2 to 23 April.
Retrospective Pere Català i Pic. Photography, patrimoni i avantguarda in Museu d'Art Modern of the Diputació de Tarragona, from March 16 to April 30. Inaugural conference: Photomontage as a combat tool. Guided tours about his life, work and photomontage technique.
Pere Català i Pic. Photography, patrimoni i avantguarda in Popular Library of Valls, from January 13 to March 12.